From laptops to loop-de-loops - our remote team conquers Alton Towers
In June 2023, we took our incredible remote team away to Alton Towers, the action-packed theme park in Staffordshire.
We traded our laptops for rollercoasters & enjoyed some adrenaline-fueled fun🎢.
Because our team works from home and rarely gets to see each other in person, we know how important it is to make the most of our get-togethers. So, rather than making them sit in front of a work-related presentation for hours with a few snacks and drinks to lighten the mood, we thought the time would be better spent enjoying rollercoasters and having some good old-fashioned fun.
After a day of scaring ourselves on every ride possible, we all retreated to our Woodland Lodge in Alton Tower’s Enchanted Village to prepare for dinner.

And, of course, dinner was filled with more rollercoasters, but not how you may think.
We sat below rollercoaster tracks and enjoyed having our evening meal served via a downward-spiralling rollercoaster track. Which, to be honest, was sometimes more entertaining because of the amount of accidents that happened rather than the novelty itself 🤣.
All in all, it was a great adventure away, so here's a big shoutout to everyone at Ocasta who embraced the spirit of togetherness & made our trip an absolute blast 🥳.