Employee Engagement trends to expect in 2018


Unlimited holiday - This trend is becoming more and more popular within businesses. Netflix, Linkedin and Hubspot are just some of those who have deployed the new strategy. It has been said that giving staff the option to take holiday into their own hands means they are more likely to only use them when necessary, not just because they have to use their holiday allowance up.


Gamification - More and more companies are using gamification to engage and train employees. It is a fun and easy way to ensure that your staff are always up to date. P&S Market Research published a report which said that the global gamification market is expected to reach £17.2bn by 2022. Have a look at the gamification solution we created for Virgin Media and find out how we can help you too!


Micro-learning - This is all about using time more wisely and helping people digest information more effectively. It breaks down information into bite-size chunks to help learners stay fully engaged. Considering attention spans are decreasing year on year, this is a must for any business. See how Oplift Learn can help you incorporate micro-learning into your workplace every single day!


Up-skilling - The UK is set to depart from the European Union on 29 March 2019, which presents a recruitment challenge and a possible skills shortage. Businesses are preparing themselves by investing more money into training and development to strengthen the talent they already have.


More tools - More businesses are starting to focus on tools that enable staff to do their job to the best of their ability. If your staff are required to retain a lot of product information, do you provide the tools to ease this burden? If you have increasing numbers of policies and procedures to comply with, are you making it easy for them to access these? Are you giving them the tools to make their job as easy as possible? Oplift Engage can help, our digital communication and employee engagement tool ensures information is always at everyone's fingertips.


Unique company benefits - In order to stand out from the crowd to potential new employees, companies are offering unique benefits that are sure to appeal to most! Examples include: duvet days, staff lottery, pet insurance, travel allowance and a day off for your birthday.


Ageing workforce - With life rates increasing, plus birth rates and mortalities decreasing, companies are realising the need to focus on plans for the ageing population. These will include; work opportunities for those 50+, training opportunities for those 50+, bigger focus on retirement plans and recognising the potential of older workers (Morneau Shepell survey).


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