Empower more employees with Oplift

Employees that use Oplift have always been able to empower their staff through the stats dash, but previously this feature was only available on iOS.

In our latest update, this can be accessed by your Android users too. This means all employees can see how their performance stacks up no matter what mobile device they have. If you do only want certain employees to view the Stats tab, you can restrict who should have access by using the permissions in the admin. It’s simple to keep control of who sees what in your organisation. 

Android phone screen which shows employee stats and compliance score.

What is the stats dashboard and how does it empower employees?

Typically systems give great insights to head office, but neglect those in the best position to drive change - those at the frontline and their managers.

Oplift's stats dash is a unique feature which lets every location or team see their performance scored in realtime against the regional average. The score is broken down into culture, comms and compliance so everyone can see how they are performing.

This feature is critical to your success because it makes everyone accountable for great performance. No longer is the burden on head office to see and improve results. Everyone can see the scores and can drill down to see exactly what needs to be done to improve, plus which employees are boosting the region’s score and which are dragging it down. This empowers everyone to take control and start achieving more.

Start empowering your staff today

If you want to achieve more sales and boost employee performance across your business head over to our contact page and get in touch. Our platform achieves a 300% boost in sales, 100% compliance rates and 10% increase in NPS.


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