Society of Anaesthetists of Zambia

The Problem

It is a devastating but true fact that Zambia lacks a sufficient number of well-trained anaesthesia providers, this is such a big cause for concern because anaesthesia is a key component in the development of safe surgery. This is where The Society of Anaesthetists of Zambia (SAZ) with the help of The Global Anaesthesia Development Project (GADP) steps in to make a change. They are both entirely volunteer-led medical organisations which aim to support the development of Anaesthesia and critical care.

Most of SAZ’s physician and non-physician anaesthetists work in rural areas in Zambia. SAZ only had paper based learning resources which the anaesthetists would have to try and sift through whilst on the move. This made it incredibly difficult for them to keep on top of their learning and share content.


How we helped

We helped SAZ by providing them with Oplift our Digital Learning Platform. It allows them to learn offline on Android devices making it easy for them to access information when working in rural locations. The knowledgebase organises their training and key documents. The communication features - (feeds, alerts and banners) have made it effortless to spread the word about key news and events.


“Oplift has transformed the way our physician and non-physicians can share their learning. Switching from paper-based materials to an easy to use digital solution has really helped Zambian anaesthetic resources be shared across the country so that people have access to up-to-date, high-quality material even in the most rural areas.”

— Sonia Akrimi

Get in touch

If you’d like to talk to us about how we can help you digitally transform your operations to improve performance enter your details below and we will get in touch.


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