6 things sensitive staff need for a better employee experience


Regular one to one meetings 

Very sensitive people tend to get more frustrated and overwhelmed when they have a lot to do. This can ruin the quality of their work and make them less productive. Hold monthly meetings with them to talk through any problems or questions that they have and help them manage their work more effectively.


A subtle way of dealing with conflict 

Sensitive staff hate dealing with conflict and would rather bottle it up than voice their concerns. They get anxious if they have to deal with confrontation and worry about hurting the other person's feelings. It is a good idea to have an 'anonymous problem box' as this enables staff to voice concerns without having to deal with conflict. It is also wise to ask them to voice the frustrations they have in their regular one to one meetings so that you can see how you can help the situation for them.


Fewer observations 

Sensitive employees perform best when they are not being watched; as soon as they feel they are being observed their performance declines due to the pressure. When carrying out performance reviews, you are best to never let them know that you are doing it so that you can see their true working style. When you want them to do a particular task it is best if you walk away whilst they do it or pretend to be distracted by something else, these steps will ensure they always perform at their best.


Lunch AND a break

Always ensure your staff get a good quality lunch break because sensitive employees need to eat when they get hungry otherwise they can get 'hangry', hungry and angry. They also need quiet time to retreat and reflect on the day so ensure that they never miss their break, even on a busy day, and make sure they get the full amount of time allocated to them.


Strong relationships 

Sensitive people need close-knit relationships with co-workers, otherwise, they find it hard to express themselves and end up getting bored or not caring about their job. Make sure that your management team take time to get to know every member of staff that they work with. Carry out team-building exercises or days out to help them form good relationships with their co-workers.


A sense of purpose 

Make sure your employees know what their job is and how it fits into the bigger picture of the company. Always keep them updated on the company's goals and ambitions and constantly develop them with new training, workshops, or activities. Oplift Engage enables you to empower employees and give them the tools they need to do their job the best they can. It enables you to easily update and inform them, meaning they are always aware of their purpose. Oplift's microlearning feature flexibly integrates into their normal working routine, meaning they can learn and develop every day!


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