Frustrated by poor engagement levels?

If engagement rates for your training initiatives are low, it’s a good time to ask your employees what they think

Are you tired of seeing your engagement scores decline every month, and you’re not entirely sure what the issue is? It could be time to ask your sales teams what they think about your learning materials. If they don’t find them useful or relevant, then the chances of them engaging with them are going to be minimal.

Here are 85 questions to ask your frontline sales team about your training so you can refine your strategy and 10x your engagement rates.

Do you have a solid employee promotion plan in place to keep your teams surging with excitement?

Did you know 69% of employees say they would work harder if they were better appreciated? Yet far too many businesses overlook the importance of promotions, meaning their staff coast along in the same position feeling undervalued and unrecognised as the years pass.

Stop destroying engagement in your business by having an employee promotion checklist which you can use for your sales team. Don’t have time to create one? Don’t worry; we’ve made a checklist for you. Check it out below.

Have you built a high-performing company culture which encourages productivity, efficiency and success?

As a manager, you know the importance of building a high-performance culture but the difficulty lies in driving a consistently high-performing team throughout the year. If you’re looking for some quick tips which you can put into action to drive a high-performance culture in your team look no further.

“To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.” - Doug Conant, CEO of Campbell’s Soup

Are you tired of your training getting ignored and it’s dramatically impacting your sales? 

Our customers come to us because their learning participation rates are low. Their employees need to complete crucial training, but their teams don’t engage with their training materials.

They use Ocasta Engage to transform their learning engagement rates and create a team of highly productive sales associates who are always informed, knowledgeable and up-to-date. If this sounds like something you need, see the full details below.


Five minutes with Mariya


These mistakes DESTROY your sales