Five minutes with Alex

Alex shares a surprising fact about himself, why Swindon Magic Roundabout holds a special place in his heart and what you can find him doing after work to unwind.

When is your favourite time of the year and why? 

September because it’s my birthday 🎁 (the 23rd if you want to save the date) plus it’s always a good temperature, it's not too hot and not too cold.

If you had an extra hour a day what would you do? 

I would sleep I imagine, I love sleeping and I like dreaming too. I have quite a lot of dreams but I seem to forget them about 20 minutes after I’ve woken up. 

Do you prefer cats or dogs? 

I prefer cats, I think dogs are a bit loud sometimes. I can relate to cats. They just skulk around all day and don't make a fuss 🐈 .

Where’s the best place you’ve visited? 

Swindon Magic Roundabout, it’s five roundabouts in one and you go round it backwards so it feels illegal, but it was an anti-climax so my real answer would probably be California 🇺🇸. I went on holiday there when I was younger all along the west coast. We started in San Francisco and ended up in Los Angeles. 

What do you like to do after work? 

After work, I like to relax. I play a few video games, usually Red Dead Redemption 2 and a bit of Minesweeper 🎮 . I do like to play the guitar as well but I’m usually too tired for that 🎸.

Tell me one surprising fact about yourself.

I like to crochet. I made this little bee (Alex presents a cute bee to the camera) 🐝 . I got into it because I found a box in a charity shop and it said crochet your own penguin so I thought I’d give it a go. I enjoyed it and have kept crocheting since. 

How would your friends describe you in three words? 

Loving, funny and my friends always say I’m like a dad because I tell awful dad jokes and just wander around like a dad 🤣. 

When are you happiest? 

I’m happiest when I'm with my friends, I like hanging out with people and I know I’ll always have a good time when I see them 🥳 .

If you could only take one thing to a desert island what would it be? 

My guitar, because I could make up songs and be as loud as I want and no one would care 🎸. I could also use it as a weapon if I came into any trouble 😱. 

What do you like most about working at Ocasta? 

It’s a good culture, I appreciate everyone's skills and it's a very good first tech job to have because you get to have your own code base which you can maintain yourself. It’s also nice working with a smaller team because you can have an input on important decisions —everyone’s very professional and good at what they do. 

What’s your favourite zoo animal? 

Penguins are quite fun, they fall over when they look at planes 🐧 .

What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? 

Dropping out of university was very daring, I was taking a big risk but it just wasn’t working for me. I was studying Computer Science in Bath but I didn't like learning in that way at all, I prefer to learn whilst I work. I was just starting my second year and thought it would be better if I left and got a job and it has all worked out perfectly so I’m glad I did 👍 .


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